Service Dogs
Service Dogs
What Service Dogs Do
Is a Service Dog for You
How to Get a Service Dog
The Right Dog
The Right Source
The Right Trainer
The Right Training
Your Goals
Your Resources
Getting Ready for a Service Dog
Health Care
When You Get a Service Dog
Working in Public

Living Environment
A provider organization or trainer will want to know what your living environment is like.  These questions will help her/him to get an idea about the physical situation where you live.  You may want to include photographs.
Many of these questions will be familiar to you from the section "Is a Service Dog for You".   You can find your answers from that section and copy them over here.  You may want to edit your answers, adding information or more detail to descriptions.  The point is to be as clear and realistic as possible with your answers.

Copy this page onto a blank document.  Write in your answers to each question.  SAVE your answers.  Most of this information can go directly onto a provider organization application. 
Participating in this exercise will help prepare you in the process of getting a service dog.  Some of these questions will be asked by the source of your dog.  Having the answers ready will make the process go more smoothly.  Also, you will begin to think about the changes and adjustments you will need to make in having a service dog.

Sample Application


Describe your living quarters:

Do you and/or your family own your own home, or rent?

Is the area in which you live:




Do you live in a:




Do you have your own room?

Is your home wheelchair accessible?

Are you able to leave your house without assistance?

Do you have a fenced-in yard? 

Where will you take the dog for elimination needs?

How will you clean up waste from your dog?

Are you prepared to go outside to take the dog for elimination needs and exercise when the weather is rainy, snowy, or cold? How will you do this? 

 Do you have a park, or other area nearby where you can take the dog for exercise? Where is this in relation to your living quarters? How will you get there?

Are you able to use public transportation from your house unassisted?

Will other people who are in your life (family, spouse, children, roomates, attendants), be supportive of you having a service dog?

Who is in your life that would be affected? List the people you can think of who will be affected if you get a service dog.

Have you talked to each one of them about your desire to get a service dog?

What were the responses of each of these people about you wanting to get a service dog? List these people and write down their responses.

Please list all those that live with you:


Relationship to You:



Relationship to You:



Relationship to You:


Does anyone living with you have any disabilities?

If Yes, please describe:

List and Describe any animals now living with you:

If you are a person visiting this site who has information, comments, stories, opinions or other input on this topic that would be helpful and could be included on the Comments and Input page for this topic, please email:

Education and Support for People and Service Dogs