Service Dogs
Basic Needs
Service Dogs
What Service Dogs Do
Is a Service Dog for You
How to Get a Service Dog
The Right Dog
The Right Source
The Right Trainer
The Right Training
Your Goals
Your Resources
Getting Ready for a Service Dog
Health Care
When You Get a Service Dog
Working in Public
Basic Needs
By bringing a dog into your life, you are taking responsibility for that animal's life.  You are responsible to provide for and take care of it's basic needs.
  • to be able to list the basic needs of a dog
  • to be able to explain the responsibilities of dog ownership
  • to be able to list equipment necessary to provide for the basic needs of a dog
  • to make a list of the total cost of equipment and supplies necessary to provide for the basic needs of a dog
  • to plan a schedule of funding from your budget to cover the costs of necessary equipment
  • to find out where to get the equipment and supplies you will need to be ready for a dog
  • to obtain necessary equipment and supplies before the dog arrives
  • to prepare your living area to accomodate a dog

BEFORE you bring a dog home, some preparation should be done.  As the person responsible for the dog, getting ready for the dog is your job.  By thoroughly reading this section and participating in the homework exercises BEFORE the dog arrives, you will be more prepared to take care of the dog. 
You want your dog to know that you are going to take care of her or him.  By planning ahead, and being ready for the dog in your life, the transition will go more smoothly for everyone. 
Some of the equipment for owning a dog that you will have to buy will need to be scheduled into your budget over time.  You may have to save a certain amount of money every month for several months.  Actually, with dogs, unexpected expenses can occur at any time.  It is a good idea to save up some money so that you will have a special "dog fund" for those unexpected expenses.
If you are planning on getting a dog, you can expect to spend about $500 per year on routine expenses, such as the veterinarian, toys, equipment, supplies, training, and books.  If your dog gets sick or hurt, the cost can be from $100 to $500 per visit to the veterinarian.  Some veterinarians will offer a slight discount for service dogs.  But when your dog is sick or hurt, you have to go right then to take the dog to the veterinarian.  You can't wait until next week or pay day.  It is a good idea to have a dog "emergency fund" available at all times, so that if you do need to go to the veterinarian, you have the cash on hand, available on short notice.

What are Basic Needs that all animals, including people share?
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Education and Support for People and Service Dogs