Service Dogs
Disaster Preparedness
Service Dogs
What Service Dogs Do
Is a Service Dog for You
How to Get a Service Dog
The Right Dog
The Right Source
The Right Trainer
The Right Training
Your Goals
Your Resources
Getting Ready for a Service Dog
Health Care
When You Get a Service Dog
Working in Public
Disaster Preparedness is all about planning ahead.  Reseach these websites, and others you can find to learn as much as possible about what you need to know to be prepared for disasters.  Many community organizations, including the American Red Cross have brochures with information about getting prepared. 
For a free brochure, "Pets and Disasters: Get Prepared," send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to HSUS Disaster Services, 2100 L St. NW, Washington, DC 20037.
Websites with information on disaster preparedness for people with dogs:

Tha American Red Cross has a webpage specifically about Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities:

They include a week-by-week checklist to help you schedule your collection of items necessary for your Disaster Preparedness Kit over a period of several months.  This list is very comprehensive.  Find this list and print it out.  Go to the website above, and click on the words: Disaster Supplies Calendar in the second paragraph next to the photograph.

United Animal Nations is an organization that responds to disasters to rescue animals.  They have an Emergency Animal Rescue Service.  Training is held in many cities, and volunteers are called to help in times of disaster.  On their website you will find stories and information about disasters and animals that are affected, and how this organization helps.

This website, from the city of Redmond, Washington, discusses details about many specific types of disasters:

Questions: Disaster Preparedness

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Education and Support for People and Service Dogs